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June 4, 2020

Economic Recovery After a Global Pandemic Requires Local Support

“Unprecedented,” “unlike anything we’ve ever seen,” and “devastating” are just a few of the key phrases we’ve heard repeatedly since COVID-19 became part of our daily life. And these words are accurate, especially as we look at how this virus and the safety measures enacted by our local, state and federal governments have affected businesses across the Grand Strand.   

As you know, cities like Myrtle Beach that rely heavily on the tourism industry were devastated by the effects of COVID-19. In March, tourism slowly ground to a halt across the country due to state-mandated stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders. But in April the situation turned dire as thousands of businesses were required to close temporarily.

Our local workforce was heavily impacted with more than 50,000 Horry County residents applying for unemployment. Many of the businesses forced to close temporarily were small, locally owned “mom and pop” shops and restaurants. The CARES Act provided some relief, but most of these business owners hoped for the best as they waited anxiously for authorization to reopen.

The good news is, after slowing the spread and keeping our hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, businesses are reopening, and locals are returning to work. But recovering from such an unprecedented event will take some time and it will require the support of area residents.

What that support looks like is a deeply personal decision based on your comfort level and health situation. Here are a few tips for how you can show your support for local business with safety in mind as we all learn how to navigate this new ‘normal.’ 

First, support businesses from the safety of your home. Place an order online or by phone from your favorite local boutique or gift shop. Order take-out or delivery from a restaurant. Call now to schedule future appointments for services you need at a time when you expect to feel more comfortable leaving your home.

Next, consider taking extra safety precautions when you leave your home. Wearing a mask when you shop is one of the most recommended steps to protect yourself and others. Also, consider ordering in advance for pick-up to limit the time you spend inside an establishment, or visit during less busy times. Call ahead to find out the safety measures of the business you’re planning to visit before you go to ensure you’re comfortable with their safety protocols.

Finally, interact with your favorite shops and attractions online. Share their news and updates with your social media followers, leave positive reviews on their pages, and comment on their posts. This online interaction will encourage business owners, draw attention to their shops, and may help them find new customers.

Together we can help our small business community get back on its feet, because together we are Grand Strand strong.  

MBACC recently launched a support local business recovery campaign, sharing messages and stories from local businesses across the Grand Strand. 

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