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June 3, 2021

Emergency Preparedness: Are You Ready?

Disasters can strike anywhere at just about any time reminding us of the power of Mother Nature. The question is: Are you ready?

Being prepared before a disaster strikes makes sense yet many people fail to take even simple steps to reduce the consequences of destruction produced by nature, machine failure or human error. Planning for a disaster is not an option, it’s a necessity.

A business owner can protect their company by identifying the risks associated with natural and man-made disasters and by creating a plan for action should a disaster strike. The purpose, of course, is to ensure that your business won’t suffer crippling financial loss or total business collapse because of an emergency. This planning and preparation will payout in huge dividends in the event of an actual disaster.

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business Interruption Planning site offers the tools a business needs to prepare its own disaster recovery plan. The site includes the basic elements of planning for a business interruption, recovering from a business interruption and creating a crisis communications plan for your business.

With an emergency management plan, critical operational decisions can be made quickly and efficiently during a crisis. Having functioning data and backup systems means your business will continue to operate. And business and employee documents will be available, even if the originals are destroyed.

The chamber’s Business Interruption Planning webpage also includes a Hurricane Information Center packed full of tips on preparing for a hurricane, a shelter checklist and emergency telephone numbers. During a storm, we’ll post the latest news, business openings and closures, and weather and traffic reports.

Let’s face it, at some point your business will be at risk. It could be a broken water pipe, an office fire, or a hurricane that can cripple or even shut down a business. Not having the proper precautions in place could mean losing it all. Businesses must be prepared to recover quickly and provide for their employees. Are you ready?

Business Interruption Planning


June 16, 8:30 a.m.  – Myrtle Beach Fire Department Community Risk Reduction Efforts – There are many dangers in the world besides fires that as informed citizens we need to be aware of. Join Deputy Fire Marshal Jonathan Evans with the City of Myrtle Beach as he reviews ways to protect our community from different types of dangers and not just fire. This class is part of the Myrtle Beach Fire Department Community Risk Reduction Efforts.

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​​​​Quality Business Solutions Payroll Partnership

Quality Business Solutions (QBS) offers an integrated solution to remove the weight of payroll administration from your plate, allowing you to focus your time and resources on growing your business.

Chamber investors receive exclusive pricing on payroll management services. The QBS secure online system provides you and your employees with access to vital payroll information allowing you to run reports, print W-2s and view pay stubs all in one place, any time.
