The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce (MBACC) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council presents the Educated Voices On Leading and Valuing Equity (EVOLVE) series. This new series will provide an in-depth look at diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
Steven Hawkins shares his favorite restaurants in the Myrtle Beach not only in a letter to the chamber but in a new book he wrote. "The restaurants eating out establishments in and around the City of Myrtle Beach are second to none."
The nonprofit helps fathers overcome barriers to becoming a responsible and involved father.
The restaurant, owned by Angelo and Angela Antonucci has been a local favorite for 40 years.
IMPACT Ministries was named our June 2020 Nonprofit of the month.
Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes the important role business leaders play in the area. In order to grow and aid local and relocated talent to become better leaders and citizens, the chamber offers Leadership Grand Strand to serve individuals at all stages of their career paths.
Buying insurance should be more than a simple purchase. It should be an informative exchange between you and your agent. By consulting with an insurance agent allows them to determine your insurance needs.
HTC is our June 2020 Leading Business of the Month sponsored by South State Bank.