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August 25, 2021

No matter where you fall in the structure of your company or organization, learning how to manage those around you is important. Perhaps you were never taught how to communicate effectively with your peers or had the opportunity to learn how to facilitate a meaningful conversation with a team or your superior. Here are some top tips from GSYP member Brittany Donatelli-Parks on how to understand priorities, goals and supervisor styles to increase your effectiveness, and make your work more enjoyable.

“You need to get to know who you are to help others.” – Brittany Donatelli-Parks

Watch the education class below to learn tips on the following:

Managing Yourself: Selfcare and your wellbeing is important. 

Managing Down: Provide those who you lead with inspiration not fear.

Managing Across: Focus on your team and the success that can happen from collaboration.

Managing Up: Understand the priorities of your superiors to maximize your time. If presenting a problem, come prepared with possible solutions.

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Brittany lives in Myrtle Beach where she works at Coastal Carolina University in the Office of Student Life and owns bdparks.co. She’s been a GSYP member since Feb. 2020.

She’s hosting a four part workship in September. Learn more and register by Aug. 31.

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​​​​Quality Business Solutions Payroll Partnership

Quality Business Solutions (QBS) offers an integrated solution to remove the weight of payroll administration from your plate, allowing you to focus your time and resources on growing your business.

Chamber investors receive exclusive pricing on payroll management services. The QBS secure online system provides you and your employees with access to vital payroll information allowing you to run reports, print W-2s and view pay stubs all in one place, any time.
